Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fake News and Social Media

I have been holding my tongue about this issue for quite some time. Unfortunately, as with the majority of my inspiration to write, the issue has gone on far too long, the people involved have gone way too far and (of course) the ignorance of the average American citizen is not just harming the ignorant. Their ignorance is affecting all of us and, just like this year’s election, the effect of their affect is not wanted nor is it of any help.

The fact that there are people sitting in their dorms, basements, or local Starbucks writing fictional stories then passing them off as legitimate, factual news stories is repugnant to me as both a U.S. citizen and as a blogger. I know it sounds terse for me to say that America’s ignorance isn’t the “shock factor” of this story. Although it’s not shocking it is troubling because these writers are able to make a living writing complete fiction that isn’t being read, digested and regurgitated for amusement.

The writers of this cancer are passing it off as legitimate news and the reason they are able to make a living doing this is because of the ignorance of the average person who turns to social media to get their news. To add insult to injury, the PE has used the fictional, dangerous propaganda to win his presidency. But wait, it gets worse. He is either an evil genius or just as ignorant as those who voted him into office. I say this because he, not only passes on the fictional, nonfactual conspiracy theories and rhetoric manufactured by others; he takes to Twitter and Facebook – impulsively – whenever he sees, reads or hears something that he doesn’t like.

The tumult of average people taking to social media to “get their news, i.e., random people blurting out their opinion mixed with the people writing fictional news for a source of income combined with major news organizations broadcasting edited clips to support their agenda and biases has created an epidemic. This is putting the social media companies in a position where, according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, they don’t want nor should they be required to fact check their subscribers.

I think the fact that the word “media” is within the name used to describe the online social networking sites people use is problematic. You see, the average person who uses a website forum referred to as “social media” as their “news outlet” is either ignorant, gullible or just not very studious with language so they believe everything they read or hear via social media as Truth.

I believe the reason for their confusion is that the word “media” is mistaken as being synonymous with the word “news.” News is supposed to be factual. It is not supposed to have any bias or agenda other than to be a form of mass communication of the truth for the people reading it in publications or hearing it in transmissions. Also, the fact is, humans are using these online outlets to communicate and human beings are prone to errors with perception, judgement, interpretation and all other ingredients that create misinformation.

However, many news organizations that are broadcast over major networks on television and radio have become completely biased. That bias started to bleed into the information being broadcast and that led to some of the networks to start manufacturing news to fit their biases and their agendas. This is what led to the mass disinformation within major news organizations to become commonplace.

The more common fiction gets passed off as fact the more common it is for people to pass off that misinformation to others as fact as well. It just so happens that as our news sources became strongly biased and less factual the internet developed all sorts of different social networking sites for people to be able to stay in touch with each other no matter how far apart they were physically.

Words are powerful. Our words are our wands, our paintbrushes and the tools in which we manifest, describe and define our reality. If we are sloppy with our words, our magic, our art when we express what or who we are as people, as a nation and as a source of “media” we can’t expect the finished product to be anything other than complete calamity.

The real media outlets, the real journalists and anyone else who writes nonfiction (like myself) shouldn’t expect the companies who are continually referred to as “social media” to redefine themselves and how they should be addressed. We, all those who write or pass along the facts, need to stop addressing Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and all others as “social media.” We need to describe them as what they, truly, are and that is “social networks.” Let us who tell, write and spread the truth, here in the United States and around the world, never refer to online social gathering sites as “media” again – not ever.

©December 5, 2016 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Murder in Turkey

I am distraught with the fact of how we (humanity) make swift and incredible progress with ways to kill each other and make tiny, little, baby steps with our progress in loving one another. The time spent fighting over whose God is the right God and how to worship, where, why and with whom… Come on people.

For every crazy extremist in Islam there is one equally insane in, both, Christianity and Judaism. Why do people feel the need to beat others over the head who don’t think, speak, look, and believe the same ideologies as they believe? Why do people’s beliefs in different religious or political aspects continually inflict terror upon the rest of us who are sane enough to realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and leave our differences out of the conversation if that conversation demands an escalation of deadly force.

When will the extremists realize that every attack upon another person with deadly force in an attempt to “make their point” or “show devotion” or “whatever crazy shit runs through their fucked up head” does the exact opposite of whatever “great, Godly deed” they think they are doing. Equally true, every time we (the United States) and our allies react by over-reacting with our use of deadly force (the invasion of Iraq is a great example of what I’m talking about) only serves as the catalyst in their recruitment of insanity.

I, as well as anyone else who has been paying attention, have heard so much blame placed upon our President, Barack Obama, for not using extreme force to combat the insanity in the middle-east. Every time I hear someone blaming Obama for “not doing” I have to fight the urge to lose my shit on the arrogant, ignorant human being placing blame so recklessly. I am so fed up with the incessant ignorance and insanity forcing their crazy stupidity upon the rest of us. I am trying so hard to not go off and begin choking them out on the spot when their lips start moving to tell themselves and the rest of us their lies.

Guess what keeps me from treating the cancer of stupid-crazy with more stupid-crazy? It isn’t patience, I won’t start speaking lies as loosely as they do, no. It is the fact that I realize two wrongs don’t equal a right. Right? Everyone’s heard someone say that in their lifetime, I know I’ve heard it many times. But, no matter how cliché it may be to repeat something as simple and profound as “two wrongs don’t make a right,” it doesn’t make it untrue. The reason simple phrases become clichés is because they are profoundly true.

Yes, the guy who assassinated that Russian Ambassador in Turkey was crazy. What he did completely negated everything he said or proclaimed was the reason he was carrying out his act of murdering another human being. In other words (get ready for another cliché) his actions were speaking so loud we couldn’t hear a fucking thing he was saying.

I, truly, hope that the act of one person’s stupid-crazy doesn’t cost the lives of many more who are neither stupid nor crazy. Yes, I’m talking to you Putin and Trump. Use the mistakes made in the past as your guide, your text book, your road map toward a better future.

Please, show me that I’m wrong when I say that I know you’re as equally stupid-crazy as those you kill or threaten and because of that fact I’m sure everything I’m saying right now is falling upon ears that hear my words as a personal attack. Yes, my words are harsh, I know. But the words I use, when talking about you, are based upon your actions and your words that led me to my conclusion about both of your personalities.

Please, take a lesson from me and my President, Barack Obama, and resist the urge to choke out everyone you believe to be at fault. Put aside your ego that necessitates retaliation at all costs. Use your intelligence and choose your words wisely to express your disdain for such insanity and ignorance. Then conclude that the best course of action, in cases involving stupid-crazy, is no action. You see, like all cancers, stupid-crazy is deadly – especially when left untreated.

©December 19, 2016 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

The PE's "Fuck You" Tour

I know I'm not the only liberal who's watching the PE doing his "thank you tour" while saying to myself, "this guy is so full of himself and oblivious to his insane behavior and his supporters, including his family members and transition team, must be as well." First of all, everything he does and the way he reacts to any criticism or opposition screams "narcissism." In fact, people with narcissistic personality disorder can have episodes of paranoia. Such as his paranoia driven outbursts during the election whenever the polls showed him behind Hillary and his dellusions of conspiracy theories he supported.

The fact that he is seeking continual praise as well as his ongoing proclamations of his superiority, along with many other behaviors he displays (regularly) on camera or on taped telephone interviews, show those of us familiar with mental illness and behavior disorders overwhelming symptoms of narcissism.

Also, just as an aside, I'd like to point out (to him) that he isn't a rock star - he is the PE - so the use of the word tour is not only grandiose it is inappropriate by way of being unprofessional as well. I say "unprofessional" because he should be focused on filling the multiple positions required for him to have appointed when he takes office.

His continued need for applause as well as his, obvious, disdain for opposition is the motivating factor for why his (so-called) thank you tour is being held in the places he won and not in any where he lost. That fact, also, disproves his claim that he's doing this campaign reenactment to show all of Americans he is their president whether or not they voted for him.

I know I'm, also, not alone when I express my anxiety and dread by his being the next president as well as my not being surprised, rather my concerns being validated with his actions and appointments of people who, just like him, will benefit with enormity. So, let me express my complete disgust as I extend a sarcastic "thank you very much" you ignorant and/or hateful assholes who sentenced all of us to an inevitable train wreck.

As if the world needed any help with becoming a prison of suffering for the individuals making up 99% of the population. The wealthiest one percent are becoming so bored with exotic vacations, food, cars and million dollar shopping sprees they've decided to do reality TV, run for office then make and enforce laws to help them get richer while making it easier to exploit the working class and the poor. So, yeah, fuck you very much people because if you believed he was going to swoop in and do anything but service himself you need to have your voting privileges taken from you like a "time out" given to toddlers. Let us grownups take it from here on out, please.

WTF America?

If you haven't been in a coma or stranded on a deserted island for the past couple of years you are aware of the shit-show that has been the presidential campaign and election of the United States. Like the majority of U.S. citizens I, also, placed my vote for Hillary Clinton to elect the best qualified candidate as well as ensure the progress made by President Obama would remain in tact and restore our Supreme Court. Something that shouldn't have been dismantled by the same members of the senate who verbalized their intent to make our current president fail.

The mission, to make the president fail, required the same senators to disregard the rules of law applicable to their duty to uphold the constitution by confirming supreme court judges appointed by the president. But disregarding their duty to put country (meaning the laws of the country defined by the constitution and its amendments) before party or politics isn't anything new to the most dysfunctional legislative branch since Abraham Lincoln's presidency. These are the same group of degenerates that brought our federal government to a halt under John Boehner's reign of gridlock. Despite Boehner's stepping down, the ideology that both senate and congressional republicans cling to (without wavering) is the same, repugnant mission statement and now it is sure to continue.

As if things aren't bad enough, now we have a president elect who's, even, more unhinged than both the senate and congressional majorities. And, because of their abuse of power by refusing to do their fucking job, our third (and final) branch of government will not serve as a check nor will its symbolic scales be balanced. Our judicial branch, the branch that has continually held the other two branches accountable, will deliver us (the citizens who pay all of their salaries) into an era that has never been foreseen - let alone charted until this year's election.

Those who allowed their fear and/or hatred to engage their ignorance and divorce any human decency they had prior to casting their vote for the president elect have stripped me of any fragments of an optimistic delusion I once held in an abundance that told me, "most humans are fundamentally good." Because they did so despite the fact that most of them said they wouldn't or couldn't vote for him "in good conscience." Meanwhile, the majority of us didn't vote for him because we knew that a society that doesn't learn from the mistakes of the past is doomed to repeat those mistakes. We, also, know that the definition of insanity is to repeat the same act expecting different results, however, this insanity is worse than we've ever seen or experienced. It was deliberately chosen because of its insanity, which should scare the hell out of anyone who's sane.

Well I extend a sincere "fuck you very much" to those of you who have preordained the rest of our fate while ensuring that a pathological liar and narcissist is well positioned to (actually) do "pay for play" and more. Frankly, it's the "more" that scares the shit out of me and the rest of the majority. If there's ever been a situation where I've prayed to God I'm wrong it is this one. Those of you who know me, personally, are aware it hasn't happened before with any one of the countless times I've been horribly right no matter how wrong I wanted to be about whatever it was I warned people. Let this be the time and issue where I'm wrong. Please, all of you who created this mess, prove me to be wrong. I'd much rather be wrong and happy than right and miserable.

S'mores made at the Campfire of the New World Disorder

I am so sickened by the ongoing disease in this country. Cops executing people (primarily, black people) and the thought of a "Trump presidency" makes me beyond sad for the devolution of humanity. I made the mistake of watching the news yesterday and today. I have been, deliberately, avoiding watching or reading the news because it, continually, leads to my feeling sad and outraged. 

Be that as it may, the two executions of two black men by the cops (sworn to protect and to serve the people-ALL PEOPLE) taking place within the past two days followed by the "emergency hearing" held by the criminally insane congress with the intent and the hope that they can skew the public's belief about the only qualified candidate running for president has caused my stomach to turn and my fury to ignite. 

Hey, republicans, tea-bagging party members and other crazies in congress (or anywhere else in this country) guess what? The only terrorist attacks happening to American citizens are happening right here inside our borders AND the acts are being carried out by thugs who have continually been above the laws they're supposed to enforce. Hillary's non-malevolent mistakes didn't cause the death of one, single American within or outside the United States. She is being held to an accountability level that her accusers are exempt from so - yeah - she has been treated with difference. That difference being the republicans, ongoing, persecution of her while being the, actual, problem in this country and in its government. If republicans are so concerned about American lives and upholding and creating laws that make society better, why do they continually waste time, energy and tax dollars unnecessarily going to war, holding ridiculous hearings and doing everything in their power to stand against any real progress with the creation or enforcement of laws? 

Yes, innocent Americans are being slaughtered by terrorists. The sad fact is that this group of terrorists have impunity and are funded with American tax dollars. Our children are taught to trust and obey them. My fury goes beyond "fuck the police." It's more than my middle finger toward the prejudiced ideologies held by the special-needs legislators who have only one desire-one agenda. Preventing the first black president and the first female president (if sanity prevails) from making the changes desperately needed to restore the way of life pissed away by the G W Bush presidency. Changes that extinguish the nightmare that stole our "American dream." Changes that improve society as a whole rather than driving wedges through the whole, which keep us a divisive and broken society. 

Let us, all, come together and force the fascists out of leadership, out of law enforcement, out of business and out of this world. Let us, truly, evolved and progressive people make our actions speak louder than our words by silencing those whose inaction made our government grind to a halt. Let's extinguish the hateful flames of Trump, Capitol Hill, law enforcement and the citizens who keep these assholes in power. Let us take up arms by voting them out and holding the murdering bastards accountable for the executions they carried out. 

Republicans love going to war, bearing arms, and incarcerating people. Let's wage a war on these civil-servant terrorists by arms-bearing, "we the people" of justice coming to carry out our inquisition using the same interrogation methods they continue to defend despite being both criminal and morally reprehensible. 

These crazies proclaim to be lovers and protectors of our constitution, yet they pick and choose rights to serve their interests, beliefs and prejudices. Trump wants to annihilate the first amendment and the Bush presidency created an act that is anything but patriotic about the fourth and fifth amendments. 

The right wing politicians and police work their black magic on the hearts and minds of this country's gullible, phobic population with propaganda and hateful rhetoric keeping the public fooled by the misdirection these magicians create in order to take our watchful eyes away from the their incompetence and sleight of hand. We (those who aren't fooled by their tricks and lies) see what they have done and continue to do without consequence. We hear their whispers and know their motives despite all the noise they make trying to distract us from the truth. 

I've been observing from afar while my applications are running in the background for long enough. It's time to download this shit to the hard-driving force that will turn up on what's going down right now. They've had another thing coming for longer than they'd allow anything good (like "Hamilton") to play out on or off Broadway. It's time for another "Campfire Song for the Republican Party." Let's build a fire with our hydroponic trees. Let's have a "good ole boy" witch hunt to round up these shitty, black-magicians. Let them reap what the scarlet letters they've sown upon us bring forth. Our bomb fire's getting bigger. The skunky smell is over-powered by the scent of barbecued pig. The pig-meat is rotten to the core so grab a stick and roast some marshmallows. There are plenty of Lindsay Graham "crackers" so I can't wait to cover them in chocolate as we turn up s'more.

©July 7, 2016 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Dream

This is not a poem. It is a matter of fact account of a very disturbing dream I awoke from this morning. It was unsettling because I have had many dreams such as this which have come true. Hopefully, my talking about it will stop it from happening. Usually, if I tell someone about the dream before the event takes place it stops it from happening. If I keep quiet it always comes to pass. So, for the sake of superstition, here it goes.
I was approached by two young men. Street thugs was all I thought of them and it proved to be true. Selling fake moonshine to some young boy as I saw capsules of crack and heroin fall from the older thug’s pocket.
They were paid with a roll of dimes. Having dropped many of them as they entered a local convenience store I was kind enough to pick up the change they’d dropped and take it in to the two.
They took kindly to me which is why (I assume) I became part of their “movement.” The dream fast-forwarded to the “uprising” immediately following the convenience store. We (the two, me and the group’s leader along with many underlings along with those that had been “absorbed”) were in a huge home that we had “taken control of” as part of this uprising.
We were all heavily armed and those who were absorbed or joined voluntarily – didn’t matter – had to hand over all their possessions (including medications) to the leader to make money to help the “group.” This seemed okay as my thoughts were that they wouldn’t deprive me of my meds that I require on a daily basis. That’s when the dream showed the “reality” of what was happening.
The leader was charming and seemed to care for his people. He didn’t. We were all tools – that’s it, nothing more. Now, I realize this is a familiar story to everyone as we have seen these situations around the world. We have never witnessed them within the U.S. borders however. To me, that is what was so disturbing. This was taking place right here at home and nothing was done to stop these people, us, from moving town to town absorbing people, possessions and amassing weaponry.
Anyone who didn’t agree to join were simply killed. I personally didn’t kill anyone in the dream and I don’t recall seeing anyone killed, but it was “understood” that was happening. Why else would we all be carrying heavy fire power on us at all times?
I don’t like that there was “race” associated with this dream because I am not a prejudice person and I don’t like disclosing this because of all those in the world (especially here at home) who are very organized racists. It may have had nothing to do with the prophecy (I like to think so) and been more of symbolism for what “the poor” are “supposed” to look like through the eyes of our society.
I tend to believe that is exactly what the message is. It wasn’t racial at all. It was a class war. Anyway, I was only given my Adderall out of the array of pharmaceuticals I take for chronic pain, anxiety, ADHD and severe stomach problems.
I kept talking to the leader telling him I needed my other meds and he kept assuring me he would take care of it. It was never taken care of and I was very miserable. That’s when the two original thugs (who I was grouped with for obvious reasons) told me that if they felt as bad as I did they’d just off themselves.
I told them I had tried to do just that on several occasions, but (despite being “technically” successful) I never stayed dead for more than 45 minutes. They told me to use my gun. I told them I had tried that as well with the bullet passing right through without damaging anything seriously enough to take my life. (I guess it had happened as far as the dream was concerned because I had recalled the event in great detail to them).
Anyway, that is when I awoke. I was very disturbed by the thought of this happening right here in the U.S. without any consequence. I cannot say that I am surprised. I mean, I have anticipated a class war since the last prophetic dream I had back in 2008. I immediately spoke of that dream as well hoping to stop this madness.
Let me define madness. The theory of the people who get trampled upon by the elite getting fed up and over-throwing all those in power doesn’t seem insane. In fact, in ways I have supported this but not in such a violent way. I guess we should all be mindful of what we wish for because it doesn’t always play out with all the lilies and peace that we would use to accomplish our desires. We simply put out the desire for it to happen and from that moment forward it takes on its own form and purpose.
Do not be so ignorant to think you can completely control the results manifested by your desires that are put out into the universe. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it takes a very accomplished and practiced person to do this and when we think or speak off the cuff from emotions. Well, shit happens. Literally – I have caused this to occur (unintentionally) many times. Now that I am aware I am very careful. 

Unfortunately, with this dream and the others I've had that all came true in great detail as well as the many outcomes manifested by my own words backed by the enormous strength of emotion I felt as I spoke those words, well, I admit that I feel uneasy. The prophecies I've had and all my thoughts that ended with the simplicity of “we need a revolution.” Well, I have to admit that is just fucking sloppy on my behalf. I know better. My hope is that the sloppiness I just admitted with regard to the need for a revolution will not manifest a revolution that is violent or produce an outcome undesirable to me or the progressive liberals and other, sane, intelligent citizens of our country.
I pray for peace, love and vanquishing of all that opposes that which is love, truth, compassion and care for one another. I know that seems like a very strong statement that is motivated by religious belief. Contrary. I belong to no religion and do not believe organized religions are any better than corrupt governments. I rely on Spirituality which religion is based upon and cannot exist without. However, Spirituality can and does exist on its own without the need for any organized group of humans to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do.
I suppose this is just about being mindful of what we “put out there” without complete and detailed intent. I do hope a serious change comes, but only in a peaceful and well implemented plan that is motivated and carried out by love and truth.
©September 22, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

The Exchange

President Obama says that he doesn’t apologize for the exchange of five detainees from Guantanamo Bay for one U.S. soldier held captive by enemy combatants (terrorists). Guess what? He doesn’t have to apologize. He is the President of this country. If anything, any GOP or Tea-bagger (both those elected and those who voted said elected officials into office) should be apologizing to the president and every citizen their prejudice driven insanity has affected.

Now, maybe I am too liberal. Hey, when it comes to rights and freedoms and where human decency is concerned – I am guilty as charged. I would rather be guilty of being honest, compassionate and rational than being a hate-filled, fear mongering imbecile any day of any week of any year.

Wake up people. Nobody on this planet has the right to judge any other person on this planet. Especially when it comes to extremely difficult situations and circumstances that those casting stones have never experienced. Yes, even John McCain has no right despite being a former prisoner of war. That was a different war, a different enemy and a different U.S. military.

Now allow me to try to open the narrow minds that think so linear and (literally) black and white in this country. Let me (attempt to) expand those minds to not just thinking outside the box but to shut the hell up so they can hear. Oh, then assist them in “thinking” (period) before opening their “cow-pie” holes.

Do I appear skewed right now? I am. It’s hard not to be because it’s impossible to reason with insanity. It’s impossible to have an intelligent debate with stupidity. And, it’s next to impossible for hate (haters) to acknowledge love. That said, let me dive into my take on how jaded and one-sided the right wing spin killed Rumplestiltskin and replaced him with Rush Limbaugh (and the Fox News Network) to spin gold into cotton candy. Sure, young kids love it and so do many adults. But, cotton candy’s only achievements are rotting teeth and causing diabetes. Gold can save life and sustain it in a truly, healthy state. Unless it’s given to the conservatives who will (almost always) use it to start un-necessary wars and kill people they believe to be “evil.”

So, first we’ll go with the argument that army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter. This argument opens up two ways as to “why he deserted.” The first possibility is that he was a coward. This seems to be the reason Fox News and others have presented as being true. My answer to this is simple. Why would a guy enlist to go fight in a war where there are no rules of war by the enemy only to go AWOL within that enemy’s country where his chances of being captured by said enemy are so great? Not to mention the fact that torture would be an expectation not a speculation. Even if he eluded the enemy in that country the poverty is so great that his being an American equals money. If he were captured wearing his military uniform that just increases his dollar value. I didn’t know our military allowed people to be recruited with such a low IQ. 

That brings me to the second option. He was deployed and served in a war that, under a smart Commander in Chief, didn’t require so many soldiers to put life and limbs on the line. Yes, President Obama has been much, more intelligent about how he fights the war on terrorism than his predecessor. He doesn’t ignore intelligence gathered and passed along to him and (equally important) he uses our supreme military technology and elite soldiers to fight. That’s why the leader of the Taliban who was befriended by the Bush family was terminated. Bin Laden wasn’t just killed. He was executed in his own home using a handful of Navy Seals or, as I like to call them, elite hit-men. That isn't a derogatory term (hitman) it is a compliment.

However, like many soldiers who fought “the war on terror,” he didn’t agree with what became the reality that went along with the fight. A reality that the Bush administration went to great lengths to hide. A reality that many ordinary citizens of this country (myself included) knew despite the enormity of the pile of bull shit that administration tried to hide. 

If an honest, ethical person with strong moral values is placed in an environment where they were led to believe a job within that environment is in total alignment with their beliefs only to find out they were lied to every step along the way or that there was a much, more complicated storyline it forces that person to make decisions. They must decide whether to be loyal to a cause that is in conflict with their values or to be true to their values in order to maintain their integrity. 

I have been in this situation in past jobs (although none of which were military) where the employees had to adhere to strong ethical codes for these jobs as we were in professions that required government licensure and dealt with human lives. I stuck by my values and the legal, ethical guidelines that put the patients' wellbeing before profits of the company. Needless to say, I did so at the cost of my employment. Despite my being wrongfully terminated, I would do it again knowing it would cost me my job and financial stability because it was the right thing to do.

Only this soldier knows what truly happened. Well, he and God (for you atheists, by God I mean Infinite Intelligence). Let’s not focus on Spiritual matters here folks. That “higher intelligence” could be as simple as our Commander in Chief. After all, he knows things that only he and few others know and cannot be shared with the public. He has the hardest job in the world. He has to take information or “intelligence” and weigh out collateral damage against benefits for every citizen in the country. I believe a soldier’s life ranks quite high on the chain of overall citizenship when decisions are made. 

Now, I looked at the list of those released from Guantanamo which was reported by CNN. Given that there should be scrutiny applied to whatever information is available to someone like myself or, better still, the media (chuckles)… Let’s just say that President Obama hasn’t taken prisoners and sent them to Guantanamo. He has terminated their contracts as tenants upon this planet. The prisoners held in Cuba were captured by the former Clown in Chief. They were tortured. Many were water-boarded. 

Just because the conservative citizens get their information from “the news,” (chuckles again) doesn’t mean the information is reliable. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and other sources who are prejudiced and biased – rarely reporting facts – mostly reporting opinions. Not even rational opinions folks. I know what I am writing right now is “my opinion.” But, I am not representing myself as a “news outlet.” I am a writer with a degree in social work and I, unlike Fox news, am not trying to suggest I know better than the President of the United States about the facts leading to his decision.

Now that the “deserter option” has been explored let’s explore the option that none of the Obama haters even bring to light. What if he stepped away to clear his mind or evaluate his place within the greater good. Maybe he just went too far from his fellow soldiers who (like many who signed up) are there to "kill them some camel jockeys." That is not a term I use to describe people from that region in the world, but I have heard it tossed around freely by many soldiers, black-water contractors and everyday prejudiced people. Maybe he couldn’t stand another second of whatever was taking place at that moment. What if he was so fed up he got stupid. Stupid enough to wander away into enemy hands who were sitting there waiting. Sizing up whether or not they should attack the very men from who he wandered away. Is that possible? Anything is possible. Do not be so ignorant to think there is only one solution to a non-mathematical problem.

With that all said, now let’s turn our “open minds” toward those who were released in exchange for the life of an American soldier. Let’s say that all five were the huge pieces of shit that was reported to the various news organizations who, in turn, reported to the public. I can see how that’s a huge deal to those who have opposed President Obama from day one. But, even if they are the scum-sucking wastes of space reported, I will not lose sleep because they aren’t locked up at Guantanamo any longer. Well, at least not while President Obama is still our Commander in Chief. Why? Because, as I said before, he is an O.G. with a Harvard degree and he knows exactly what he is doing. He has protected the citizens of this country in a smarter, less costly manner than the rationally challenged former president. 

Do you really believe that, if these men truly are who everyone believes them to be, our president will not have their whereabouts and what-abouts (I know it’s not a real word – I’m creative that way) known to him at all times? I don’t care if you like him (our president) or not people. At least acknowledge that he is a smart man. Not only is he smarter than everyone complaining about every little move he makes combined, but he is calm. That makes him a wonderful decision maker when shit comes raining down all around and there isn’t anything to stand under until the storm passes.

Feel free to buy into the hype and rhetoric that the intellectually inept spray out their face all day, every day. I, personally, have my own problems to deal with that make my life difficult on a daily basis. I have confidence in President Obama and I know he’s got this. If we had a senate and a congress who was as well put together as he is then we would all be better off – especially the haters from the negative, fake media.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Society's Subtle Sickness

Conformity is so common in our society created from capitalism. People sell others out to get ahead in jobs or other things. Many are quick to judge their peers as something less than themselves. They can’t help it because it’s the only way they can feel superior.

When reality creeps out from underneath the breath of silent bystanders it may very well be ignored as the masses are listening to their IPods. Truth, though often sought after, isn’t always warm and inviting. It can be as coarse as a cactus and equally hard to swallow. Should it miss the reciprocator’s vocal chords on the way down so she may be able to reply without the mess of coughing up blood? Then she'll return jagged words, equally hard to swallow, to the instigator. Both have their own version of what is real -what is their truth. Although each picture of reality may be entirely different from the other, every version should be considered with objectivity and scrutiny. Something in between will form a shape that resembles fact even if it’s ugly to look at.

Even if it’s not pretty to see it may be hard to look away. It's like staring at a horrible crash on the freeway - we’re rubber-necks - unable to resist urges to catch a glimpse of something hideous. We cause traffic to slow down and back up for miles. It's all affecting others. Maybe someday we’ll evolve to the point of speeding up to miss the sight of such tragedies and look inward for flaws to fix.

©November 17, 2009 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas