Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Dream

This is not a poem. It is a matter of fact account of a very disturbing dream I awoke from this morning. It was unsettling because I have had many dreams such as this which have come true. Hopefully, my talking about it will stop it from happening. Usually, if I tell someone about the dream before the event takes place it stops it from happening. If I keep quiet it always comes to pass. So, for the sake of superstition, here it goes.
I was approached by two young men. Street thugs was all I thought of them and it proved to be true. Selling fake moonshine to some young boy as I saw capsules of crack and heroin fall from the older thug’s pocket.
They were paid with a roll of dimes. Having dropped many of them as they entered a local convenience store I was kind enough to pick up the change they’d dropped and take it in to the two.
They took kindly to me which is why (I assume) I became part of their “movement.” The dream fast-forwarded to the “uprising” immediately following the convenience store. We (the two, me and the group’s leader along with many underlings along with those that had been “absorbed”) were in a huge home that we had “taken control of” as part of this uprising.
We were all heavily armed and those who were absorbed or joined voluntarily – didn’t matter – had to hand over all their possessions (including medications) to the leader to make money to help the “group.” This seemed okay as my thoughts were that they wouldn’t deprive me of my meds that I require on a daily basis. That’s when the dream showed the “reality” of what was happening.
The leader was charming and seemed to care for his people. He didn’t. We were all tools – that’s it, nothing more. Now, I realize this is a familiar story to everyone as we have seen these situations around the world. We have never witnessed them within the U.S. borders however. To me, that is what was so disturbing. This was taking place right here at home and nothing was done to stop these people, us, from moving town to town absorbing people, possessions and amassing weaponry.
Anyone who didn’t agree to join were simply killed. I personally didn’t kill anyone in the dream and I don’t recall seeing anyone killed, but it was “understood” that was happening. Why else would we all be carrying heavy fire power on us at all times?
I don’t like that there was “race” associated with this dream because I am not a prejudice person and I don’t like disclosing this because of all those in the world (especially here at home) who are very organized racists. It may have had nothing to do with the prophecy (I like to think so) and been more of symbolism for what “the poor” are “supposed” to look like through the eyes of our society.
I tend to believe that is exactly what the message is. It wasn’t racial at all. It was a class war. Anyway, I was only given my Adderall out of the array of pharmaceuticals I take for chronic pain, anxiety, ADHD and severe stomach problems.
I kept talking to the leader telling him I needed my other meds and he kept assuring me he would take care of it. It was never taken care of and I was very miserable. That’s when the two original thugs (who I was grouped with for obvious reasons) told me that if they felt as bad as I did they’d just off themselves.
I told them I had tried to do just that on several occasions, but (despite being “technically” successful) I never stayed dead for more than 45 minutes. They told me to use my gun. I told them I had tried that as well with the bullet passing right through without damaging anything seriously enough to take my life. (I guess it had happened as far as the dream was concerned because I had recalled the event in great detail to them).
Anyway, that is when I awoke. I was very disturbed by the thought of this happening right here in the U.S. without any consequence. I cannot say that I am surprised. I mean, I have anticipated a class war since the last prophetic dream I had back in 2008. I immediately spoke of that dream as well hoping to stop this madness.
Let me define madness. The theory of the people who get trampled upon by the elite getting fed up and over-throwing all those in power doesn’t seem insane. In fact, in ways I have supported this but not in such a violent way. I guess we should all be mindful of what we wish for because it doesn’t always play out with all the lilies and peace that we would use to accomplish our desires. We simply put out the desire for it to happen and from that moment forward it takes on its own form and purpose.
Do not be so ignorant to think you can completely control the results manifested by your desires that are put out into the universe. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it takes a very accomplished and practiced person to do this and when we think or speak off the cuff from emotions. Well, shit happens. Literally – I have caused this to occur (unintentionally) many times. Now that I am aware I am very careful. 

Unfortunately, with this dream and the others I've had that all came true in great detail as well as the many outcomes manifested by my own words backed by the enormous strength of emotion I felt as I spoke those words, well, I admit that I feel uneasy. The prophecies I've had and all my thoughts that ended with the simplicity of “we need a revolution.” Well, I have to admit that is just fucking sloppy on my behalf. I know better. My hope is that the sloppiness I just admitted with regard to the need for a revolution will not manifest a revolution that is violent or produce an outcome undesirable to me or the progressive liberals and other, sane, intelligent citizens of our country.
I pray for peace, love and vanquishing of all that opposes that which is love, truth, compassion and care for one another. I know that seems like a very strong statement that is motivated by religious belief. Contrary. I belong to no religion and do not believe organized religions are any better than corrupt governments. I rely on Spirituality which religion is based upon and cannot exist without. However, Spirituality can and does exist on its own without the need for any organized group of humans to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do.
I suppose this is just about being mindful of what we “put out there” without complete and detailed intent. I do hope a serious change comes, but only in a peaceful and well implemented plan that is motivated and carried out by love and truth.
©September 22, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

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