I am distraught with the fact of how we (humanity)
make swift and incredible progress with ways to kill each other and make tiny,
little, baby steps with our progress in loving one another. The time spent
fighting over whose God is the right God and how to worship, where, why and
with whom… Come on people.
For every crazy extremist in Islam there is one
equally insane in, both, Christianity and Judaism. Why do people feel the need
to beat others over the head who don’t think, speak, look, and believe the same
ideologies as they believe? Why do people’s beliefs in different religious or
political aspects continually inflict terror upon the rest of us who are sane
enough to realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and leave our
differences out of the conversation if that conversation demands an escalation of
deadly force.
When will the extremists realize that every attack
upon another person with deadly force in an attempt to “make their point” or “show
devotion” or “whatever crazy shit runs through their fucked up head” does the
exact opposite of whatever “great, Godly deed” they think they are doing.
Equally true, every time we (the United States) and our allies react by
over-reacting with our use of deadly force (the invasion of Iraq is a great
example of what I’m talking about) only serves as the catalyst in their
recruitment of insanity.
I, as well as anyone else who has been paying
attention, have heard so much blame placed upon our President, Barack Obama,
for not using extreme force to combat the insanity in the middle-east. Every
time I hear someone blaming Obama for “not doing” I have to fight the urge to
lose my shit on the arrogant, ignorant human being placing blame so recklessly.
I am so fed up with the incessant ignorance and insanity forcing their crazy
stupidity upon the rest of us. I am trying so hard to not go off and begin
choking them out on the spot when their lips start moving to tell themselves
and the rest of us their lies.
Guess what keeps me from treating the cancer of
stupid-crazy with more stupid-crazy? It isn’t patience, I won’t start speaking
lies as loosely as they do, no. It is the fact that I realize two wrongs don’t
equal a right. Right? Everyone’s heard someone say that in their lifetime, I
know I’ve heard it many times. But, no matter how cliché it may be to repeat
something as simple and profound as “two wrongs don’t make a right,” it doesn’t
make it untrue. The reason simple phrases become clichés is because they are
profoundly true.
Yes, the guy who assassinated that Russian
Ambassador in Turkey was crazy. What he did completely negated everything he
said or proclaimed was the reason he was carrying out his act of murdering
another human being. In other words (get ready for another cliché) his actions
were speaking so loud we couldn’t hear a fucking thing he was saying.
I, truly, hope that the act of one person’s
stupid-crazy doesn’t cost the lives of many more who are neither stupid nor
crazy. Yes, I’m talking to you Putin and Trump. Use the mistakes made in the
past as your guide, your text book, your road map toward a better future.
Please, show me that I’m wrong when I say that I
know you’re as equally stupid-crazy as those you kill or threaten and because
of that fact I’m sure everything I’m saying right now is falling upon ears that
hear my words as a personal attack. Yes, my words are harsh, I know. But the
words I use, when talking about you, are based upon your actions and your words
that led me to my conclusion about both of your personalities.
Please, take a lesson from me and my President,
Barack Obama, and resist the urge to choke out everyone you believe to be at
fault. Put aside your ego that necessitates retaliation at all costs. Use your
intelligence and choose your words wisely to express your disdain for such
insanity and ignorance. Then conclude that the best course of action, in cases
involving stupid-crazy, is no action. You see, like all cancers, stupid-crazy
is deadly – especially when left untreated.
©December 19, 2016 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas
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