Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spicer's Spontaneous Combustion

Today's press conference with press secretary, Sean Spicer, was like watching somebody spontaneously combust. I would normally feel bad for the guy, but he made a voluntary choice to be his president's mouthpiece. He did so knowing both how unconventionally unstable trump's temperment is, more often than not, as well as the president's irrational contempt for government (and anyone or anything else standing in his way). 

What's more, Spicer comes undone with relative ease (much like his boss, but for different reasons) whenever pressed by the press. In fact, he's began more than one press conference with a very apparent elevated stress level. I'm sure that stress is created by knowing everything he says, while defending "the mad king," is heavily scrutinized by both his highness and the members of the press with whom he's trying to sell whatever message or "alternative facts" the boss-man is demanding him to sell. I'm, also, sure that he's aware the journalists are aware of when he's getting rattled by their united front with pressing him on questions that cause his obvious unease. I have to commend the press with being a united front during such times because that's when the truth will shine through despite the dishonest propaganda being reiterated by the lying-liars doubling down on their lies.

However, I have one suggestion with which I would be super thrilled to see the press follow-up with regard to Spicer's repeated claims that senate Democrats are solely responsible for the delay with confirming trump's appointees. Spicer continues to blame Democrats for the delays by comparing the number currently confirmed to the number confirmed under former President Obama. It's my understanding that two other factors outside of the senate had an impact upon the confirmation process. The first being that trump fired his original transition team and the second being the fact that his current appointees didn't have their paperwork completed in time and some of them had to "make corrections" to their, otherwise, fraudulent information.

If those two statements are believed to be real reasons for the delays, aside from senate Democrats, then every time Spicer tries to politicize the issue by blaming Democrats the press must counter trump's refusal to own his shit by reminding Spicer of their mistakes. Every time he tries to disown accountability and deflect their errors (their shit) by comparing trump with Obama the press needs to call them on their behavior. Afterwhich, bringing another reality check by stating the fact that Obama always took responsibility for anything he was criticized about regarding mistakes made or perceived to have been made by any agency within the executive branch. That's what mature, mentally healthy people do whenever mistakes are made because perfection is not part of being a human being. Realizing this to be true doesn't make you weak nor incompetent; it makes you wise and rational.

One last thing. Orrin Hatch needs to shut the fuck up for more than one reason. Primarily because he and the rest of the GOP caused both the government to literally grind to a halt in 2013 (congress led by John Boehner) and refused to confirm the Supreme Court judge appointed by Obama. President Obama appointed Merrick based upon the fact that Hatch (himself) stated he would like to see Merrick appointed. I noticed one journalist at the press conference, today, trying to bring up senate republicans failing to confirm a supreme court judge, but he gave up far too easily. Spicer's reasoning for the republican obstinance was that never before had a judge been appointed in the last year of a presidency. 

He lied right to that reporters face by saying it has never before happened during an election year. I hope, beyond comprehension, that the press calls him out on that lie - preferably when they confront him about blaming Democrats for his errors and the (at best) inadequacies or (at worst) fraudulence of his appointees.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Sioux at Standing Rock

This will be short and sweet (again) as I’m still a mind trapped inside of a high-mileage body that's been in far too many wrecks. Plus, I have a doctor’s appointment to get to that will (hopefully) get me some relief after some uncomfortable injections to my shoulder and back. Now that my excuse has been made allow me to proceed with the issue that drove my wrecked body to sit down and convey what weighs on my mind this morning.

President “Caligula” (trump) signed more executive orders yesterday. One was to “push forward” the Dakota Access Pipeline that was (and still is) being heavily protest by the Standing Rock Sioux Natives and other environmental groups. The protestors, finally, got to breathe a sigh of relief when former President Obama put a halt to the Dakota Access back in December of 2016 as Politico reported to be, “an outgoing present from Obama’s Administration.”

Surprisingly (that is, if you know me and my “tree-hugging” liberal views), president trump’s signing of the executive order yesterday isn’t the real issue that put my broken body into a seat to write today. It’s not that I wasn’t upset by what he did because I was, however, I knew he’d be doing everything in his power to make the “deal” go down. He’s going to profit from the deal and he may (at moments) appear to be a good-hearted and caring human being. Most narcissists, sociopaths and other selfish and self-absorbed people are able to confuse and convince other people who don’t spend all day, every day with them (especially without emotional attachment or from an analytical perspective) that they have “good hearts” and so forth (or any humanity) inside. Many people who have been “hypnotized” by these expert manipulators will defend their pathologies as “being misunderstood” or “not fully understood.”

Still, this isn’t what I came to write about today. However, all of it should be made known to everyone and anyone who may start “seeing” him “in a different light,” etc. Trust me on this people. I have both personal and professional experience with such people and you must always go with what that little voice inside tells you upon first impression or you will regret allowing your intuition to be disregarded by your “thought process” if that process isn’t coming from facts and a working knowledge of those facts. Feel free to comment if you have a question about what I’ve just stated or if you think you have new and valuable information I should consider (you don’t, but I will listen nonetheless).

The issue that brought me to sit, painfully, and write is the glossed over facts about the indigenous people at Standing Rock and everywhere else within the fifty states of this nation. As I watched an interview with a Sioux Native from Standing Rock on MSNBC this morning my ears started to go deaf to every external sound as I gazed upon this man’s face. All I could hear was my “inner voice.” Not the voice of my “mind” with respect to the way we hear ourselves whenever we are idle or adrift within a daydream or thought about something with which our mind serves a productive function. I’m talking about the voice of Spirit.

I know, bear with me here okay and, please, if you’ve never read a thing I’ve written previously – I will state (for the record) again that I’m not religious and I dispute all religion for many reasons. I am, however, too aware of the things I’ve experienced (from the time I was a small child to the present) to disregard them just because I despise and disagree with all religions as “man-made” stories to assist with keeping people “in line” with whatever the belief of that society was during the time period with which the stories were written and recorded. So deal with it and understand I’m not trying to convert anyone or sway anyone into believing anything other than what I am going to say next.

That inner voice spoke loud and clear about the fact that the indigenous people were almost driven to extinction (within the lower 48 states anyway) by the Europeans (white men) who settled here without being invited. The fact that human beings are driving (and have driven) certain, other, species into extinction is disgusting and breaks my heart. But, the fact that this country’s natives were almost entirely wiped out (killed) by white settlers who thought they were superior because they were “more civilized” and so on, therefore, able to excuse their horrific behavior with killing off almost an entire population of human beings… That is disgusting and it makes me ashamed to be ethnically tied to the same race (whether or not the same people that actually did these things) that held the belief that because they were “anglos” they were “entitled” to take whatever they wanted from the natives (and all other, equally, stupid beliefs).

Now, because the voice was from Spirit, I can't recall the exact words that came through at that moment when all went silent outside of me as I was looking upon this man’s face. I do, however, remember (just as the external sound was coming back) the thought or words within me saying, “These poor people don’t have anyone in D.C. within the senate or the congress that are there representing what little numbers are left of them nor their beliefs or anything else they hold dear.” By that I mean that there aren't any one hundred percent, purely Native Americans holding a seat within either the U.S. senate or congress. 

Truthfully, the things they hold dear are the very things that matter (or should matter) to everyone on the planet. A respect for this planet as the giver and maintainer of all life upon her and a respect for all her resources. It’s pretty simple. These people weren’t “less civilized” than the Europeans who eradicated most of them for the sake of a dollar or “land that would produce a dollar.” These people were then and are now more civilized than anyone who believed in “manifest destiny.” They know what is truly valuable and important with respect to the “why we’re here” and “who we are” questions mankind has always asked. It’s a simple philosophy that should have been taken on by the early settlers rather than the settlers forcing their beliefs upon the Natives. It’s much more aligned with Spirit and Science, which (if taken into consideration accurately and without bias) serve one another and validate each other as well. 

I could and want to say more, but I was out of time about five minutes before I sat down. I have to go. When I have a chance and only if “inspired” to do so I will come back to this to add more support for these truly great (but far too few) people that are the Sioux (and all the rest of the tribes) of this nation. Their nation first – don’t forget that fact.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

We the People of the Divided States of America

Before I jump into my latest rant, I'd like to apologize for my being absent from my (normally) outspoken appearance when it comes to political offenses made by those within our government. I've been unable to (physically) rise to the cause of calling out the lying liars on the lies they tell as well as the insane arrogance and ignorance displayed in the process of moving their mouths to tell those lies. My physical status is (still) severely inept, but I've improved enough to post a short rant. 

Plus, it's literally more painful (at this point) to hold myself back from responding to the shit-storm of lies and all other pathological behavior coming from the White House. Things with which the mainstream media is unable to point out, respond to or confront with the same liberties I'm able to utilize. That said, let me dive right into the most recent pile of shit served up by "his highness" that "We the People" of the Divided States of America have been told is a plate of filet mignon with an expectation that we'll devour it without any objections to its repulsive smell.

There has been too many lies and statements made based within the president's delusions (which he and his collection of individual mouthpieces continue to pass off as "alternative facts") for me in my current febile state to address individually. So, pardon me for diverting my rant to the all inclusive matter, which is the connectivity and collectivity of all the insanity taking place on a daily basis now that the U.S. has transferred from "candidate" to "president elect" to "president Trump." I capitalize the "T" in trump very reluctantly out of respect for the citizens who sentenced us, the majority, without giving us a second's pause to think about the totality of consequences or even do due diligence.

"What is the connective-collective matter at hand," you say? Well (I say) if you have to ask you either haven't been paying attention or your attention is being paid to unreliable (fake) media outlets. We have a person with frightening amounts of destructive capabilities at his disposal whom has the most fragile exterior and interior combined that has ever taken the oath of office for President of the United States. This is neither too bold nor an unfounded statement that I've just made and, because it's neither, you should be both frightened and, especially if you voted for him, you should be ashamed.

Look, as is the case for all democrats (whether holding office or, just, citizens), we all would be delighted beyond comprehension for this president to succeed with his promises to increase good paying jobs in this country. Contrary to his personal opinions (that are uttered unilaterally throughout his cabinet members and those who voted for him alike) none of this is about us being "sore losers." It is all about his behavior, his rhetoric and the fact that both of them have no existence within the facts that make up reality.

There's, also, the blatant disregard for ethics within all realms of which they should be and need be applied to him and every single individual he has appointed. This is a subject that can't, possibly, be subjective. The laws are clear and, even where they're left to interpretation, the ethical standards for which those left for interpretation clear the way for them to be discerned with accuracy based upon both necessity and continuity. To state that more clearly for anyone reading this who had "issues with Hillary" or anyone who thought the way the legislative republicans treated former President Obama was fair by openly stating they'd do everything in their power to prevent him from succeeding, let me say it this way. If the "Black Man" were to refuse to provide his tax returns during an audit (which we all know can be legally done and no lawyer would advise "not to" unless the returns showed incriminating evidence) and then, once he became president, flat out refused to produce them period... If the "Black Man" refused to completely divest from his company that had many ways for foreign governments to gain influence... If the "Black Man" showed the thin-skinned temperament that he could be infuriated with a tweet so much that he devolved into a tantrum only a two year old could rival, would you be able to move your mouth to tell the lie that you wouldn't be asking for his resignation (at best) or demanding his head (so to speak, ie, impeachment) at worst? 

I could, mentally (intelligently) go on and on, but my shoulder is screaming for an icepack (and serious painkillers) so I must tapout for now. Please, anyone who's not already utilizing MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times for their news source, do so now. Absolutely do not use Fox News, Breitbart, or any other media outlets that are either partially or entirety nonfactual (fake) news.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Speak Up and Act Out

Before I begin I would like to collectively take a moment to reflect upon Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement for which he, literally, gave his life. It is the reason I have put pen to paper (actually, fingers to keyboard). It is his nationally observed day, the holiday with which his name is attached, that brought U.S. Congressman John Lewis' televised speech into my living room this morning. Congressman Lewis', brief, recap of his interaction with Dr. King and the action John took within the movement to not only get The Civil Rights Bill signed into law, but the beating he endured as a result of his action trying to get voting rights to be supported made me weep.

Yes, tears welled up and ran down my cheeks as I listened and heard him talk about his life; his Truth. It is that Truth that was felt within my heart, which whenever it's heard, seen and/or felt it is undeniable to any and everyone who's open to receive that Truth. You don't have to be the smartest person in the room to understand It Is true. You don't have to be religious or, even, believe in God (insomuch as the way most people describe God) to be able to discern It Is Truth. The truth, whenever It Is witnessed - however It Is witnessed, will always be perceived and received directly within our core. The Truth Is what It Is and because It Is so Real it will cause, even, the toughest and strongest of men and women to shed a tear.

With all of that said, now I'll get to the point I wanted to make that was sparked by something Congressman Lewis said in a, completely, different context. The congressman was talking about his need to speak out and stand up for what's right despite the reality of physical (and financial) harm that would be inflicted upon him and his family. His message to those of us listening was, "If you see something going on that shouldn't be going on; speak up. Don't stand by quietly." To those of us who were listening (and hearing) his message it was clear. It's a message I've always employed in the way I live my life as well as a message I've passed on to my son. The message of "always do the right thing" even and especially when the people around you are too scared to say or do what's right. Don't limit the good of everyone because you're afraid of being judged.

I've, also, said (many times) that "the right thing" or "the right way is never easy." Granted, whenever I've said or talked about such things I'm speaking to my son or to people who make up the majority of the "general public." People born into privilege and remain privileged throughout their lives (unless they've done "hands on" volunteer work with impoverished people) don't have a clue about the depths of that truth. The incoming president is a perfect example of that privilege.

But it doesn't stop at privilege; his aura and demeanor exudes entitlement and immaturity. There is nothing about him that tells the story of a person who is, or even capable of being, self-sacrificing. A person willing to save anyone but himself (or, possibly, his children) at his expense and/or demise. He shows nothing that says anything except "self-service" now nor in the past; recent or otherwise; there is zero that he's done and very little he's ever said.

Although Trump's behavior has been accurately called out by various members of the press and many political office holders (both past and present) he and his team continue to blame his unacceptable behavior on those who point out his many flaws. It is shameful and insulting to our (those who aren't fooled by him nor his team) intelligence. Moreover, the way he lashed out to Congressman Lewis via (not surprisingly) Twitter wasn't just deplorable it was unfounded. But, considering how much he hates facts (especially when those facts point out his, very obvious, flaws) it's not surprising that everything he said, attempting to tarnish Representative Lewis' pristine reputation, came from his emotions (which are located right upon his surface because he has no depth) rather than being well thought out or with any thought at all.

So, it appears that Representative Lewis isn't alone with his decision to abstain from attending the inauguration ceremony for the incoming president, Donald J. Trump. He's being joined by other members of Congress. Here is the list of those members of Congress whom are abstaining from the inauguration as reported by NBCNews.com: Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, California Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Rep. Jared, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. Mark Takano,  Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Maxine Waters, Georgia Rep. John Lewis, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Massachusetts Rep. Katherine Clark, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay, New York Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Kurt Schrader, Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen, Washington Rep. Adam Smith, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, and Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan. Within moments of my composing this list it had expanded by a few names (according to one of my favorite news anchors as her program was airing. So don't send me hate-mail or tweets. Be aware I'm aware and move on.

The boycott isn't limited to politicians only, oh no, celebrities have been boycotting the event for a while. The commonality of the boycott from politicians and celebrities is the general principal of Trump's intolerable behavior. In fact, that may be the one thing in which we can all find common ground. The foundation that all decent Americans can build - not a wall - but a "hall of justice" or, at least, a hall for justice. A place where liberty and justice exists, truly, for all. In closing I hope that more and more people (democrat and republican both) to stand up to everything that's wrong with the world. Believe me when I tell you that everyone needs to speak up and act out against and in opposition of those things, including people, that are wrong. Those who are bad at their core.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The PE's First Press Conference

I just watched what can, only, be described as a complete and irrevocable implosion of this country’s president elect. I’m horrified with DJT holding, even, that title and there isn’t a word in the English language that encompasses the spectrum of this calamity driven spectacle that is Donald J. Trump colliding with what I (and everyone who didn’t vote for him) knew would happen should he be elected. The president elect’s first news conference just ended, literally, DJT was still speaking while I opened a blank document in order to write about the messiest, shit-show ever witnessed on live television.

Before I start my rant I must give a shout out to all the utterly intellectually inept, vindictive and/or hateful people in this country. Those who voted for this insane clown whose posse is all of you who attended his rallies or supported him with your vote. Effectively passing your affliction of dysfunction on to the rest of the world. I will address you (from this point forward) as “juggalos.” Since you’re all confused about what is true or false when looking for answers on the web I will tell you that a juggalo is, accurately, defined as: a name given to fans of the group “Insane Clown Posse” (or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group).

This time I will not say “thank you very much” or “fuck you very much...” I will say I do not thank any of you now nor will I ever thank any of you later. Instead I will send out into the universe my heart’s desires for the extermination of all hateful, divisive, greedy, deceptive and malicious people to ensure humanity’s flaws can’t continue to be passed from generation to generation. Using the universal law (which is as Divine as it is Infinite) of natural selection to assist and insist upon progressing within all aspects that make up the biopsychosocial aspects of humanity in order for the evolution of the human race to continue.

I don’t know if anyone reading this watched the news conference held, today, for the president elect of the United States, however, I recommend to my readers to do so if you haven’t already. I don’t make this recommendation because of the press conference being an inspiration or anything that will turn non-juggalos into juggalos nor will it assist with calming any fear or apprehension. In fact, if you’re a skeptic of the PE it will be very disturbing for you to watch the catastrophe implode.

What I witnessed was a man who is so unstable simultaneously with being so arrogant and full of himself. He showed the world that there’s no need to speculate about his instability, deceptive yet gullible, fascism with obvious misdirection, hatred for the truth or anything that resembles fact and I could, literally, go on for hours listing his character defects that are worn right upon or thinly below the surface. He has no depth, he is inept and if I had a chance to go tit-for-tat with him (me calling him on his shit followed by his defense or excuse that never involves taking personal responsibility for anything) it would only be a shouting match because the man has no desire nor belief that he needs to change.

Let’s face it folks, the man is 70 years old and has been wealthy and entitled for every one of those years. He has an innate sense of entitlement and (because of his wealth followed by his fame) none of his loved ones have ever called him out to face his flaws. Anyone who’s ever confronted him with his personality disorders, character defects, criminal mentality – it doesn’t matter what term you use to classify his crazy – but anyone who’s ever pointed out anything he did wrong was met with attorneys and law suits that would bankrupt the person long before they would ever see justice done let alone make a dent in his demeanor.

I can hear in the background (as I’ve been writing these words) the MSNBC anchors and contributors being horrifyingly stunned with the way Trump handled himself at that press conference. Buckle up people because this man is going to carry out an assault on the entire Billof Rights with the exception of the second amendment. He condemned the press and when he attacked “Buzzfeed” and CNN, but (primarily) Buzzfeed stating, “As far as Buzzfeed, which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, I think they’re going to suffer the consequences. They already are… It’s a disgrace what took place. It’s a disgrace and I think they ought to apologize to start with Michael Cohen.” By the way, I placed a link (as you can see) within “Buzzfeed” where you can watch the conference or do as I did and read the full transcript below the video.

God, please help us, I never doubted your existence (just, most of, your messengers and publicists). I know you’re there and I know you feel all the terror and disdain most of us feel whenever Trump is on television or whenever the news shows and/or tells us about the latest happening within the PE’s “circle of trust.” I know that if you wanted me to be aware of what’s to come as a result of this clown being elected – you would let me in on that information. You always do so and I think that’s why I’m so terrified. The fact that everything I “knew” about this guy being validated by his own words on tape as well as the fact that every day when I turn on the news or whenever my son brings up the PE’s latest debacle it is validation that everything I expected to happen is truly happening…

In other words, it appears, the fact that you haven’t “given me” any new and different information about the PE (or any of his appointees) might, just, be because there isn’t anything else I need to know about him. If that is the devastating reality with which the world must come to terms then, please, give me some new and different (powerfully inspiring) information about the republicans who are in control of the federal legislature. I want to be the confidently optimistic individual you intended me to be rather than the cynical and tortured person the world has turned me into. I know you have a sense of humor – come on – having this guy win the presidency despite (literally) everything he said and did that was verifiably on camera or recording… That shows your humorous side. All we need to know (at this point) is if you’re a “sick sense of humor” God or a “funny, ha-ha” God. I won’t reveal the direction I tend to lean with the matter because I don’t want to taint the sample group.   

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Senate Confirmation of Sessions

It’s been a predictably disgraceful process in the U.S. senate today. Watching every, single republican roll over and give immense praise to senator sessions (the PE’s pick for attorney general). Listening to Ted Cruz (a man who had nothing but abhorrence for the PE during his campaign for president) – listening to this, apparent, two-faced hypocrite give his praise to the PE’s pick for attorney general while listing a slew of things that happened under our former attorney general’s office.

The item on Ted’s list that stuck out to me as particularly hypocritical was when operation “Fast and Furious” failed. He was quick to blame the U.S. Attorney General (at the time) Eric Holder as was the case with the entire GOP during the hearings held by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. What he didn't mention was that the operation failed due to debacles at the state level in Arizona within the DOJ and ATF. He mentioned the ramifications that happened with this operation, but failed to mention how guns are sold to the Mexican drug cartels and how guns sold in the U.S. to drug cartels (or other criminals) wind up killing many other law enforcement agents and many more, average, everyday U.S. citizens.

It’s because of republican legislators (particularly Ted Cruz as he’s promoted himself making “Texas Bacon” with an automatic rifle) refusal to work with the Democrats -especially President Obama - enforce the law. "The law," as in, a law that already exists. A law that requires all sellers of firearms to conduct and obtain criminal background check information prior to the release/sale of any firearm. Senator Cruz, also, failed to mention that he and his fellow republicans in the U.S. senate and congress refuse to do any commonsense reform with gun laws. Commonsense reforms like requiring mental health diagnoses to be part of the background check information that is obtained. Democrats have proposed other measures like prohibiting sales of automatic weapons to the general public. 

The confirmation hearings are, essentially, bull shit in that a committee made up of democratic and republican senators asking questions to be answered by whichever nominee has come before that committee. Wait, hear me out. The reason it is bull shit is a two-sided coin. On one side, the nominee might be an honest individual with a lot of integrity. In that case any “gotcha” questions asked in the hope of catching the nominee telling a lie will make whomever asked the question look foolish; thus, “getting” themself. The “liar-liar-pants-on-fire” nominee may get “got” by the opposition, but the committee members who share a party with the nominee (such as the case now) will praise even the biggest liar. It’s quite, literally, nauseating to watch the senate republicans all but offer fellatio to former senator Sessions with hopes of the PE’s having climaxed knowing that he has his harshest critics within “the party” offering up their “lip service” in any way that’s possible.

Yoo-hoo, GOP of Washington D.C. You’re disgusting and despicable. I am not, merely, disturbed by your blatant, repetitive hypocrisy at this point. I’m sickened by the fact that a couple of you (Lindsey Graham and John McCain) had me fooled into believing you may do the right thing with the president defect – I mean, elect. I don’t have to ask how you can move your mouths to tell those lies, no. My question is to me. It is, how could you fall for that shit?