What's more, Spicer comes undone with relative ease (much like his boss, but for different reasons) whenever pressed by the press. In fact, he's began more than one press conference with a very apparent elevated stress level. I'm sure that stress is created by knowing everything he says, while defending "the mad king," is heavily scrutinized by both his highness and the members of the press with whom he's trying to sell whatever message or "alternative facts" the boss-man is demanding him to sell. I'm, also, sure that he's aware the journalists are aware of when he's getting rattled by their united front with pressing him on questions that cause his obvious unease. I have to commend the press with being a united front during such times because that's when the truth will shine through despite the dishonest propaganda being reiterated by the lying-liars doubling down on their lies.
However, I have one suggestion with which I would be super thrilled to see the press follow-up with regard to Spicer's repeated claims that senate Democrats are solely responsible for the delay with confirming trump's appointees. Spicer continues to blame Democrats for the delays by comparing the number currently confirmed to the number confirmed under former President Obama. It's my understanding that two other factors outside of the senate had an impact upon the confirmation process. The first being that trump fired his original transition team and the second being the fact that his current appointees didn't have their paperwork completed in time and some of them had to "make corrections" to their, otherwise, fraudulent information.
If those two statements are believed to be real reasons for the delays, aside from senate Democrats, then every time Spicer tries to politicize the issue by blaming Democrats the press must counter trump's refusal to own his shit by reminding Spicer of their mistakes. Every time he tries to disown accountability and deflect their errors (their shit) by comparing trump with Obama the press needs to call them on their behavior. Afterwhich, bringing another reality check by stating the fact that Obama always took responsibility for anything he was criticized about regarding mistakes made or perceived to have been made by any agency within the executive branch. That's what mature, mentally healthy people do whenever mistakes are made because perfection is not part of being a human being. Realizing this to be true doesn't make you weak nor incompetent; it makes you wise and rational.
One last thing. Orrin Hatch needs to shut the fuck up for more than one reason. Primarily because he and the rest of the GOP caused both the government to literally grind to a halt in 2013 (congress led by John Boehner) and refused to confirm the Supreme Court judge appointed by Obama. President Obama appointed Merrick based upon the fact that Hatch (himself) stated he would like to see Merrick appointed. I noticed one journalist at the press conference, today, trying to bring up senate republicans failing to confirm a supreme court judge, but he gave up far too easily. Spicer's reasoning for the republican obstinance was that never before had a judge been appointed in the last year of a presidency.
He lied right to that reporters face by saying it has never before happened during an election year. I hope, beyond comprehension, that the press calls him out on that lie - preferably when they confront him about blaming Democrats for his errors and the (at best) inadequacies or (at worst) fraudulence of his appointees.
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