Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Sioux at Standing Rock

This will be short and sweet (again) as I’m still a mind trapped inside of a high-mileage body that's been in far too many wrecks. Plus, I have a doctor’s appointment to get to that will (hopefully) get me some relief after some uncomfortable injections to my shoulder and back. Now that my excuse has been made allow me to proceed with the issue that drove my wrecked body to sit down and convey what weighs on my mind this morning.

President “Caligula” (trump) signed more executive orders yesterday. One was to “push forward” the Dakota Access Pipeline that was (and still is) being heavily protest by the Standing Rock Sioux Natives and other environmental groups. The protestors, finally, got to breathe a sigh of relief when former President Obama put a halt to the Dakota Access back in December of 2016 as Politico reported to be, “an outgoing present from Obama’s Administration.”

Surprisingly (that is, if you know me and my “tree-hugging” liberal views), president trump’s signing of the executive order yesterday isn’t the real issue that put my broken body into a seat to write today. It’s not that I wasn’t upset by what he did because I was, however, I knew he’d be doing everything in his power to make the “deal” go down. He’s going to profit from the deal and he may (at moments) appear to be a good-hearted and caring human being. Most narcissists, sociopaths and other selfish and self-absorbed people are able to confuse and convince other people who don’t spend all day, every day with them (especially without emotional attachment or from an analytical perspective) that they have “good hearts” and so forth (or any humanity) inside. Many people who have been “hypnotized” by these expert manipulators will defend their pathologies as “being misunderstood” or “not fully understood.”

Still, this isn’t what I came to write about today. However, all of it should be made known to everyone and anyone who may start “seeing” him “in a different light,” etc. Trust me on this people. I have both personal and professional experience with such people and you must always go with what that little voice inside tells you upon first impression or you will regret allowing your intuition to be disregarded by your “thought process” if that process isn’t coming from facts and a working knowledge of those facts. Feel free to comment if you have a question about what I’ve just stated or if you think you have new and valuable information I should consider (you don’t, but I will listen nonetheless).

The issue that brought me to sit, painfully, and write is the glossed over facts about the indigenous people at Standing Rock and everywhere else within the fifty states of this nation. As I watched an interview with a Sioux Native from Standing Rock on MSNBC this morning my ears started to go deaf to every external sound as I gazed upon this man’s face. All I could hear was my “inner voice.” Not the voice of my “mind” with respect to the way we hear ourselves whenever we are idle or adrift within a daydream or thought about something with which our mind serves a productive function. I’m talking about the voice of Spirit.

I know, bear with me here okay and, please, if you’ve never read a thing I’ve written previously – I will state (for the record) again that I’m not religious and I dispute all religion for many reasons. I am, however, too aware of the things I’ve experienced (from the time I was a small child to the present) to disregard them just because I despise and disagree with all religions as “man-made” stories to assist with keeping people “in line” with whatever the belief of that society was during the time period with which the stories were written and recorded. So deal with it and understand I’m not trying to convert anyone or sway anyone into believing anything other than what I am going to say next.

That inner voice spoke loud and clear about the fact that the indigenous people were almost driven to extinction (within the lower 48 states anyway) by the Europeans (white men) who settled here without being invited. The fact that human beings are driving (and have driven) certain, other, species into extinction is disgusting and breaks my heart. But, the fact that this country’s natives were almost entirely wiped out (killed) by white settlers who thought they were superior because they were “more civilized” and so on, therefore, able to excuse their horrific behavior with killing off almost an entire population of human beings… That is disgusting and it makes me ashamed to be ethnically tied to the same race (whether or not the same people that actually did these things) that held the belief that because they were “anglos” they were “entitled” to take whatever they wanted from the natives (and all other, equally, stupid beliefs).

Now, because the voice was from Spirit, I can't recall the exact words that came through at that moment when all went silent outside of me as I was looking upon this man’s face. I do, however, remember (just as the external sound was coming back) the thought or words within me saying, “These poor people don’t have anyone in D.C. within the senate or the congress that are there representing what little numbers are left of them nor their beliefs or anything else they hold dear.” By that I mean that there aren't any one hundred percent, purely Native Americans holding a seat within either the U.S. senate or congress. 

Truthfully, the things they hold dear are the very things that matter (or should matter) to everyone on the planet. A respect for this planet as the giver and maintainer of all life upon her and a respect for all her resources. It’s pretty simple. These people weren’t “less civilized” than the Europeans who eradicated most of them for the sake of a dollar or “land that would produce a dollar.” These people were then and are now more civilized than anyone who believed in “manifest destiny.” They know what is truly valuable and important with respect to the “why we’re here” and “who we are” questions mankind has always asked. It’s a simple philosophy that should have been taken on by the early settlers rather than the settlers forcing their beliefs upon the Natives. It’s much more aligned with Spirit and Science, which (if taken into consideration accurately and without bias) serve one another and validate each other as well. 

I could and want to say more, but I was out of time about five minutes before I sat down. I have to go. When I have a chance and only if “inspired” to do so I will come back to this to add more support for these truly great (but far too few) people that are the Sioux (and all the rest of the tribes) of this nation. Their nation first – don’t forget that fact.

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